12 pm
- Good Afternoon & Happy Tuesday!
- Welcome to Rotary-Pledge of allegiance and 4-way test
- Welcome all Visiting Rotarians, Guests, Zoomers
- Happy Bucks and fines.
- Ken’s 6th great grandchild was born.
- It was Andy’s Birthday on Sunday, so he brought cookies to celebrate. He had fun dancing during the Super Bowl halftime show.
- Anita purchased a new car, and the GPS does work on this one.
- Scott’s wife is out of COVID quarantine today.
- Tom is excited that he was able to ski up north over the weekend.
- Debb was a guest at the Rotary Foundation Meeting. Last night was a Veteran’s and Chess Night. Unfortunately, the March class must be cancelled.
- This week’s Birthdays- Jen Jeschke today! Dan McCabe and Nicole tomorrow
- This week’s Anniversaries
- Student Rotarians
- Week 3- Lorenzo Moreno (fun fact) and Rayne Smyers (2-4 min.)
- Lorenzo has been to Lambeau Field one time, to see a soccer game.
- Rayne was born in San Diego California. She wants to go into political science, and she wants to go to UW Madison. If she does not get in there she will go to Milwaukee.
- Week 4-Quentin Jewell and Mackenzie Syvrnd
- Quentin rode a bike at the age of 2 ½ with no training wheels.
- Sam was in a rollover car accident, and he made it out with just scratches.
- Club Business, Committee Reports or Announcements
- New Member Induction - Will Gruber
- Rotary Foundation Board Meeting this morning at Nicole’s office-
- Brian and Jenny will be forming a committee to plan a community project.
- Reminder that Foundation and Club are separate entities. Nicole will be doing a presentation for us in a few weeks about the purpose of the Foundation, how to make charitable contributions, and why it’s important.
- Reminder that all Rotary Club Members are Foundation Members
- Rotary Club Night Meeting
- On February 21st New Beginnings is speaking. They will choose one as recipient for the Pyramid 5k proceeds.
- Calendar Raffle
- Barb & Gerard will co-chair and are currently looking for sponsors at a cost of $250.
- Multi Club Social this Friday
- Pyramid Event Venue for Social at 7pm for Karaoke
- March 10th Fort Interact Club is hosting a Pancake Breakfast
- Blood Drive is on April 9th
- Registration is open for Tri-Con April 18-20th in Green Bay
Program Speaker: Nicole Lesperance with The Hope:
Two thirds of Americans have been affected by additions, with more feeling as though addiction has affected their mental health. Nicole is a Life Coach that helps others to work through issues in relation to addiction.
Nicoles passed out a tool called “The Wheel of Life”. On this handout we rate ourselves on a scale of 1 to 10 in multiple addictions.
Nicole’s life was impacted by addiction. She attended funerals in which others ended their lives to addiction. Through this she was able to see that she needed to take control of her life and pick up the pieces. She wanted others to know that she was doing it from a place of peace. There is much shame and secrecy in addiction, and that is something that keeps you lost in addiction. Through this, she became a coach and trauma specialist. She has one on one zoom meetings, occasional support group meetings, and works with Debb Lins from time to time.
Trauma is an incident that causes mental health issues. How people react and respond can vary depending on age, support, genetics and more. Those who grow up in homes with addiction often lead to generational addiction.
Addiction is a compulsive, chronic, and psychological need that causes harmful affects such as anxiety, irritability, and social issues. When someone is addicted, they are stuck in a cycle. How to get out of that cycle, or help someone out is to extend support, get help from professionals. You need to place boundaries and stick to them. Do not bail someone out or support someone in their addiction even if it is easier.
Boundaries are what you will accept, and what you will not. These are put in place to allow you to feel safe and to take care of your health. Boundaries can include:
- Not contacting you at certain times.
- Not showing up to your home unannounced.
- Not showing up to your home while using or in active addiction.
Selfcare is doing what you want and need to recharge and relax. These are items that let you ease anxiety and make you feel better. Remember the following “I didn’t cause it. I can’t fix it. I can’t cure it”. Someone in addiction is sick and they need to hit the point in which they realize they are in addiction and life is uncomfortable. This is where change is found.
Next Week Speaker: Brian Hafenstein, Sunset Hills Farm