Attendees: Mick, Jenn C, Dan, Jenny M, Brian W, Scott
Lake Mills Rotary Board Meeting
February 14, 2022
City Hall 7AM
Financial report – Dan
Balance Sheet and P&L Budget vs. Actual shared with Board. Dan noted a couple of offsets that will change updated (Donations/Rotary Foundation and Donations/5K).
Membership – adds/deletes
Drop Lindsey from ReMax, Add Linda Jeffers -net no change
New Adds-Ginger Ramsey & Emily Watson
Fundraising -
Beer & wine – still want to host this in future. May be able to work with Kari Buchholz (distributor). Mitch was a big part of this. Need processes in place if a major contributor steps away.
Car raffle – still a good idea. Look at the timing of this compared to all other major fundraisers. Perhaps in the fall.
Hanging baskets-more info. to come on details for this year
5k run – night group – on track. New Route (not official, but will be timed race). submitted special events permit to the city. Also invited "fitness" businesses in community to participate.
Jefferson Country Fair – bartending 7/13-17th--All agreed this is a good idea!
Facebook raffle--too complicated. off the table.
Calendar raffle-Jenn C. reviewed the concept and is reviewing final details with the Committee. Possibly 300 tickets avail. X$100 each. for 14 chances to win. Prizes TBD. May add sponsors. Run for 3 months.
Sip & Slide for Scholarships – (new playground)?--would be challenging to have event at Bartels Beach (lighting, limited parking, space,etc)
Other – please bring ideas to discuss
Committee structure / leadership
New member assignments
Mick to help new members select committees at orientation
Jenn C will add list of committees to new member packets
Committee chairs – leadership succession plan-Brian W, Scott T, and Jenny M to meet on March 1st at 11:15 am to discuss.
Birthday raffle continuation-YES!
Liability Insurance for Rotary clubs-Jenn says we are covered!
Conflict of interest forms-Mick to work on developing a form & review. To start every July.
Future regular scheduled Board meetings-Last Tuesday of every month
all agreed to pay Pyramid $1000 annually for use of facility for meetings
RYLA -10 students total that are not all in the 2022 budget (2020-2022 students)